How do you think people feel while making their way through a crowd?

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IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topic | How do you think people feel while making their way through a crowd?

How do you think people feel while making their way through a crowd?

Sample Answer

How do you think people feel while making their way through a crowd?
I think people feel all sorts of things when they’re in a crowd and it all depends on the situation. For most, like me, I’d say it’s mostly frustration. People are going every which way, everyone’s in a rush and it feels like you’re bumping into someone every 5 seconds.

Personally, when I’m in a crowd whether it’s at the mall or a concert I get a little anxious. It’s hard to move at your own pace and if you’re in a hurry it just makes it even more stressful.

Some people might also feel anxious especially if they’re not comfortable in tight spaces or around lots of strangers. Being in the middle of a big crowd can make you feel like you’ve lost control and that can be pretty overwhelming. I’ve definitely felt this at music festivals where it’s packed. It’s supposed to be fun but sometimes it’s hard to enjoy yourself when you’re worried about losing your friends or just finding some space to breathe.

But then there are times when people feel excited or energized by the crowd like at a sports game or a big celebration. In those moments the crowd can actually make the experience better and more fun. But overall I think most people feel a bit impatient and stressed when they’re trying to get through a crowded place.

In the end, I suppose that it’s not the most enjoyable experience for most people and I think everyone just wants to get through it as fast as possible!